Power of Rome is a 2022 documentary film, directed by Giovanni Troilo, with Edoardo Leo and Daniele Monterosi. Original Soundtrack by Marco Molinelli. Distributed by Vision Distribution, Universal Pictures.
HEROES OF SPEED is a celebration of this decade of innovation - a tribute to our most gifted Mercurial athletes and the goals that have made them legendary - and a preview of what is to come. In collaboration with the unique talents of Croatian artist, Danijel Zezelj, 10 of these memorable moments are recreated, bringing an unexpected dimension to football history.
Directed by Marco Molinelli / Animated by Danijel Zezelj / Soundtrack by Marco Molinelli / Agency: Sartoria Comunicazione / Client: Nike
Salcheto Identity is an animation short film made to celebrate Salcheto winery brand
Directed and Animated by Gianluigi Toccafondo / Soundtrack by Marco Molinelli / Client: Salcheto
A short animation film, directed and animated by Gianluigi Toccafondo, on the occasion of the 2021 Trento Film Festival edition.
Original Soundtrack by Marco Molinelli / Client: Trento Film Festival